Apprentice intake doubled

Working with NCT Skills For Life, Wensley Roofing has recently doubled its apprentice intake to 12 and has helped another four learners secure apprentices through referral.

The initial intake at Wensley Roofing included Lee Ritzema who was shortlisted for the Generation 4 Change (G4C) accolade at this year’s Constructing Excellence in the North East Annual Awards.

Steven Luke, of Wensley Roofing, said: “Anyone working in construction knows that there is a skills shortage and we all need to make a commitment to securing the future of the industry. Everyone needs to step up and do their bit to help develop the next generation of construction workers.

“We were really keen to get apprentices involved in our projects and NCT Skills has been great in helping us get some new young talent on site. Lee is a real credit to NCT: great skills, fantastic attitude and he has that desire to do well.

“We recommend NCT Skills to other contractors because we’ve been really impressed by the service they’ve given us. We know that if anything does crop up that we need to speak to the team about, it’s dealt with quickly. It’s great for us to know that they are supporting us through the whole process.”

Allison Allen, Partnerships Manager at NCT Skills, added: “We’re delighted to have Wensley Roofing on board as a Partner. They are renowned in the industry for the quality of their work and our apprentices are benefiting hugely from their experience on site.

“For Steve and his team to make such a commitment to helping develop our learners is fantastic and I know that the apprentices hugely appreciate the opportunity they’ve been given.

“NCT Skills For Life is currently recruiting for their JEF-CEP programme, which begins on 16 August. JEF-CEP is a 12 week programme which combines an experience of Army life with construction skills taster sessions, leading to high quality construction apprenticeships in in bricklaying, plastering, roofing and joinery.”